The Internet: Societal Progress or Our Own Demise

The progression of society through the Digital Age is founded upon information technology. The development and growth of computing technology in society have effectively changed how people communicate with each other and relay information. The Internet and social media usage will only continue to grow exponentially.

A commonly perceived drawback, particularly witnessed amongst the younger generations, is that we are becoming overwhelmed with the information we receive.

With information available at our fingertips, the amount of information we encounter daily significantly surpasses any generation before us. If we can absorb this information, we are still tasked with analyzing and interpreting it. While this seems effortless and relatively benign, we can’t always predict the effect certain information will have on us. Often, it goes completely unnoticed.

There are times when the information we come across seems useless. However, we can be accumulating information which has the potential to overload our minds. We may not be able to process the amount of information we encounter in a manner proportionate to our emotions and understanding of the world.

While we may possess the technological advance to continue developing into a more digitalized society, we have failed to recognize our glaringly obvious blind spot.

We have yet to learn to process our thoughts and emotions faster. We are, after all, still human.

The ramifications of vast data availability and change in communication style are new territory and, thus, are still vastly unknown. However, as intellects, we can deduce that when people spend more and more of their time on the internet, it is bound to have some effect on them. On the internet, we have the speed to skim through numerous websites while also watching a TV show on Netflix and simultaneously shopping online. But consider how the ability to multi-task in this manner will change functional processes in our minds. We need to become more patient and less hinged upon instant gratification. The internet has contributed to an increase in people with attention deficits.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become one of the most common mental disorders affecting adults and children. Symptoms of ADHD include inattention (lack of ability to stay focused), hyperactivity (excessive disproportional movement), and impulsivity (lack of forethought and planning).

Several cross-sectional studies have examined the association between ADHD symptoms and internet addiction. The strongest association was in female students; similar associations were found amongst younger age groups. Boys with internet addiction have higher levels of ADHD, depression, and hostility. Girls with internet addiction had a higher rate of ADHD and depression. A correlation was found between the severity of ADHD symptoms, namely inattention, and the amount of time spent online. *

When everything on the internet comes with such ease and speed, how can we expect to function in a society that doesn’t mirror that same convenience and effortlessness?

Social media, a popular development in the rapid growth of the internet, contributes to a severe increase in people with anxiety, loneliness, and emotional fragility. ** The daily communications and information can be confusing, even distressing. Imagine, for example, children who use social media. Their minds are still young and very malleable. There are so many different personas in our population that it is unlikely for everyone to get along. Children who do not yet possess or completely understand their core values and beliefs can become susceptible to bullying or self-sabotage by comparing their online presence with others. This has the potential to lower self-esteem and increase anxiety in children, particularly but also in adults.

While socialization occurs in person and requires proper etiquette and understanding of societal norms and expectations, the internet has different rules. It doesn’t come with a handbook on the right or wrong ways to communicate with others. Since internet users aren’t having a face-to-face conversation, this can sometimes result in a lack of accountability. Without having consequences for words or actions, people sometimes say, post, or relay information to others that they would not normally communicate in real life. The younger generations, Millennials, and Gen Z, have grown up with the internet. They were given a powerful toy, but many lacked the emotional capacity to navigate it properly.

This is the biggest conundrum that Millennials and Gen Z face.

Overall, the rapid digitalization of society is seen as beneficial and a giant leap towards progress and evolution. However, we have overlooked the growing psychological ramifications of our evolvement, particularly in the younger and more vulnerable generations. The fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams.

The correlation between internet usage and psychiatric disorders, particularly ADHD, is, at the very least, strongly suggested. While the internet and all it has to offer does not come with an instruction manual or guidebook, it should. Supporting our mental wellness should run hand in hand with learning, analyzing, and processing increasing amounts of online information.

The driving force behind our societal growth should not be our Achilles’ heel.

The digitalization of virtually everything around us should not impair our humanity. Our society should emphasize the increased need for in-person socialization, emotional regulation, stress management, and, most importantly, accepting growth and change. Newer generations should be aware of beneficial psychological tools and resources. Open communication channels between individuals, therapists, and other support groups help promote our well-being and facilitate our understanding of the world around us.

Your experience and interactions online are unique to you. No parent, therapist, or coach can help or guide you through which information or communications you should or should not participate. No one is there to advise you what value to assign to each interaction or posting. Moreover, what is stressful to one person can be a relief to another person. This is okay. Some people will have different values than you. Only some people will care about your values or beliefs or even acknowledge them. One person’s interpretation and internalization of online information and/or communication can contradict another person’s understanding.

As we age, every individual goes through a considerable amount of anguish, joy, and experiences that mold and shape our understanding of the world. Some people will have different views. The person you grow into may not be the person you once were. This is okay.

*This article does not evaluate current psychological and/or behavioral studies. It aims to provoke thought and promote healthy conversations about relevant emerging topics.

**Not meant as a conclusion or finding.